A summer delight is being played out over at
New World Stages. Written by Luigi Creatore after he retired to Boca Raton, Florida after an award winning record producing career (
Can't Help Falling in Love,
The Lion Sleeps Tonight), one can only imagine how much material was discarded in his quest to entertain us! Seasons of the Golden Girls could probably have been written with all he has witnessed!

Jamie Farr (
M*A*S*H) and Anita Gillette (
Moonstruck, Jack Klugman's wife in
Quincy take command of the stage in 3 separate stories that all play out at in an apartment complex in Boca Raton. One part farce, one part pathos, and one part heartwarming - this trio of short one scene plays all paint an endearing and amusing look at life after 70 in the sunshine state. Old people taking back to the soap opera on the TV set, pastel flowered couches, hearing problems, mall hopping and shopping, Alzheimer's, the children's inheritance, mishaps and mayhem all ensue. Before, during and after the show and as the stage is reset between scenes, take notice of all the fun music used to recreate an era-gone-by ambience in the theater. And let's not forget the theme song of Flamingo Court -
Old is In!
For a "hoot" at the old "coots" - take your walker and amble on over to this gem on 50th Street! You won't end up spending all your kids' inheritance either!