Entertained? I sure as f*#k was. Witness to history? In a way, sort of. Top notch theatre? No, not really. What does this all mean? Spend the $60 for a ticket and get an irreverent, funny, musical history of the life of our 7th president - Andrew Jackson.

From his first words (and first sight - *sigh*) Benjamin Walker (Andrew Jackson) is HOT (dripping with sex, one might say) . The ensemble cast surrounding him never failed to entertain. More than a few times - over the top - but I guess that's what I signed up for. My favorites included Lucas Near-Verbrugghe (Van Buren) and Jeff Hiller (Adams) - who both almost made me pee in my pants a few times. Everyone is young. Everyone is sexy. It's loud. That's what they are going for.
Spring Awakening meets American Idiot meets Saturday Night Live - - that's my vote and I'm sticking to it.