
Photo by Don Kellogg

Friday, October 14, 2005

City of Angels

For a small theater company and a small theater, City of Angels is a significant undertaking. The show is told in "split screen" - meaning half the show takes place "on a movie screen" and the other half takes place in person. Quite a staging effort, as you can imagine for a small theater. Despite that hurdle - the Chromolume Theater Company seems to have assembled cast quite a talented cast to tell the tale.

Most importantly - my friend Dennis Larkin (the star of the show as far as i'm concerned) was a scene stealing "character" in every sense of the word. He actually played 4 if I counted correctly.

Let's just leave it this way - If City of Angels comes back to Broadway - I'm guessing with enough money behind the staging and the right actors and ensemble - it would be a huge hit (once again).