As far as the one-woman shows goes -this one is tops. It truly is the story of "a dancer's life" - the ups and downs; highs and lows; co-stars, choreographers and directors; loves, losses, and many other funny stories. You don't get that "I'm a star and I'm telling you my story" feeling from this classy broad. It's more like "Let's chat about this little thing called a career I've had and how much fun it has been". As Boris Kachka recently said in a review - "It's not the triumph-and-tragedy one woman gab fest we've come to expect..."
Chita still has "it". Well - ok - the voice is a little "rough around the edges", the kicks aren't quite so high - but let me tell you - at 18, I don't think I had as much energy as she has on stage. I mean - c'mon - some people her age can't walk to the bathroom without resting... but she struts her stuff all over the stage 8 times a week and looks like she enjoys each and every minute of it!

For people of all ages, it's a trip down "memory lane". Anyone alive and breathing will recall something they've seen her in or know her for. Aside from the obvious - West Side Story and Chicago - Chita has really had a rich life on (and off) stage. All this and we didn't hear a single "hazy" story about booze or dope... 'cause we all know Broadway doesn't go for that. Chita is 100% Broadway.
Living legends are not to be missed. This one is no exception!