The cast may come and go, but the story remains the same. Boy meets boy. Boy falls unexpectedly in love with boy. Boy lies to boy and the consequences are not pretty.
For a pretty low budget operation, I'm glad they invested in the "costumes" (what do you mean, my Sergio's are not in style any more?). Plenty of laughs, at least two numbers from the drag queen divas, a full company dance to Thriller,and plenty of 1980's humor along the way.
This evening of 1980's fluff that takes place mostly at Potions - a gay nightclub on Staten Island. Need I say more? Get the picture?
Each of the characters is a caricature you'd recognize immediately. A New York City Cop with the accent to prove it; A gorgeous, cocky, jock/playboy with the body to prove it; A big-haired, middle-aged Italian house wife fag-hag with the hair to prove it; Two flaming drag queens with feathers to prove it; A skinny, gay club boy (redundant, i know) with the attitude to prove it; And a supporting cast wearing Izod shirts, tapered jeans, and penny loafers, and ray bans!

At it's core - a love story, but anyone approaching or just past 40 will appreciate the humor in the entire production. (pssst...Tom Baran, I'll cook you dinner any time!).