The World of Extreme Happiness is anything but happy in the end. Jennifer Lim (Sunny) is the country-to-city dreamer of generation X. She's navigating the tricky class structure and economics of how rapidly China is emerging onto the world stage as an economic powerhouse and provides us a poignant look at her life. She and her brother (Telly Leung) Pete escape the country and their traditional old-world father (James Saito) to follow their dream of money, power, and the elusive happiness the modern city and the world around them purports to offer. The tale that unfolds is not unexpected, but nonetheless shocking and sad in its stark reality.

In the end, this is a tale of how rapidly a generation has transformed a country and yet how much further they have to go to achieve that elusive dream of happiness and peace. Theatre is one way to get this message out. Only time will tell if it helps to change the world.