Neil Patrick Harris directs this brief wonder now running at the
Signature Theatre on W42nd Street. (Did you know that in addition to being an uber-handsome actor and award show host he's the president of the Academy of Magical Arts at Magic Castle?!)
Noting to Hide is a magic show with an even bigger dash of comedy. As a matter of fact, the card tricks -some elaborate- manage to delight, but the chemistry and personality that
Derek Delgaudio and
Helder Guimaraes bring to the stage are the
real stars of this show. A show of just card tricks would be a yawn, after all.
It's warm and funny and involves the audience in the slight-of-hand tricks which always adds to their material of amusing ad-libs in reaction to what they ask the audience to contribute. My only complaint is that it seemed too short. If these two ever give up magic, they'll always have comedy.
In fact, it might actually work the other way too.