And tap your toes you certainly will. Helmed by the incredibly hunky and easy-on-the-eyes Steven Pasquale (Jamie Lockhart, The Robber Bridegroom) who himself is a powerhouse of the theatre, this production is triumphantly successful at having fun and entertaining its audience.
Supporting Mr. Pasquale are darkly funny Leslie Kritzer (Salome), the devilishly handsome and talented Andrew Durand (Little Harp), and the beautiful and beguiling Ahna O'Reilly (Rosamund).
When the actors themselves all appear to be having fun, you know the show is going to be a delight. At one point Mr. Pasquale seemed to be "gotten" by a line from another character and a Carol Burnett moment of trying to conceal the hilarity ensued. It's a Mississippi tale brought to life 8 glorious times a week.

For a brief break from the political primary rat-race, join this cast for a 90 minute ROMP!