Yes, the subject matter of this email might dump it in your SPAM folder!! However, if by chance it makes it through - you'll be glad it did. Would you ever think of going to see the musical story of the life of Dr. Alfred Kinsey?? Well, with a bit of skepticism - I did.... Off-Broadway at the Peter Norton Space (42nd and 11th). This space (and many others off-broadway along 42nd Street are all brand spanking new!)

Speaking of the stage - it was a bit small (this is off-broadway, afterall) but every inch of it was used cleverly. It's in previews - so the lighting queues could have been more crisp, the curtain and scenery need to have a few tighter transitions, but that stuff is cosmetic - - the talent is there. Most of all - they look like they're having fun while doing it.
You know the general story - but "Dr. Sex" fills in the blanks in an entertaining and clever format. Before you know it "the book" is published and the curtain is falling. Remember - before Dr. Phil, before Dr. Ruth, before Dr. Scholls - - there was "Dr. Sex". Go see Alfred, Clara, Wally, and the rest of the Kinsey players before the Tony crowd gets wind of it. You won't be disappointed. Worth plenty more than the $30 ticket!