You're talented, young, charming, oh-so-good-looking (hmmmm, i wonder why you got the lead role in a new musical entitled "Slut"??). But the primary question I have for you is "Why did you leave the smash-hit, Alter Boyz", to take it"?!
If you still have a chance - RUN BACK! Heck -go on the national tour!!

Over at American Theater of Actors (read - low budget) I was slightly entertained, but left wondering why you took what is clearly a step down to some "B" material. Ok, you've got some talented cast-mates and it is the lead after all, but c'mon - the plot is a farce, the jokes, stale, and the humor, sort of "high school-ish". There were some bright spots, yes. I must admit i chuckled and hooted a few times. But just a few. But I digress... (Did I mention, you looked good with your shirt off??).
Yours truly,
Doug Marino ( a fan truly thankful i only paid TDF rates to see you sweat)