This week, my work world and my non-work world collided in a good way. At work we have a small project going on where we have hired a small temporary staff. One of those folks is Nicholas J. Colemen and this show is his latest project. I mention his name and put in his picture in here to prove my point - talent comes from somewhere - it doesn't just "appear" on Broadway ("I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. Demille").

If all you see are "big ol'" Broadway productions, you are truly missing some of the best talent out there - developing their art and honing their skills. Now, I'm sure Nick would love to be a regular on "One Life to Live" or "As the World Turns" (yes, he has been featured) but downtown in a small theater on East 4th Street - you can really see an actor with the freedom to create, the hunger to entertain, and the power to make you laugh. And Nick is just one of several.
This show is a mix of stand up, sit-com, and a bunch of over-the-top women with a message to tell you about society, sex and men! Performed in 5 vignettes, the 90 minute show leaves you wondering exactly how much fun the performers must have on stage when performing.
Angry Young Women in Low Rise Jeans with High Class Issues - a gem in the East Villlage! And keep an eye out - You'll see Nick (and his other cast members again real soon!).