It's a dastardly tale of love and murder - with each family member's demise a delicious tale of song and dance. Characters abound.
Music and songs were clever and brilliantly broadway-esque. Costumes were amazing. At times I was dizzy and dumbfounded at the sped at which Mr. Mays changed costumes and reappeared on stage as another D'Ysquith.
A small supporting cast hit every mark crisply, cleverly, and with great aplomb. The set is cleverly designed as a full stage with a curtain within the actual stage - allowing one scene to unfold while the next one was prepared. Part Noises-Off, part The 39 Steps, part Edwin Drood, this new musical hits all the right notes with the perfect cast. Speed, coordination and queues are of utmost importance.
If I can say this at the first public preview, you have to imagine it will only get better! Run... Don't Walk over to the Walter Kerr Theatre on W 48th for an evening of sheer delight!