Leading the pack is the very handsome Sebastia Arcelus (Jake Brigaance). Hi charm and good looks held my attention but there was something perhaps a bit detached or formulaic in the courtroom drama. When staging a scene, or in this case an entire play, around a courtroom you need to have crisp, quick dialogue. It was almost there, but some of his colleagues on stage - primarily former senator and presidential candidate Fred Dalton Thompson (Judge Omar Noose) need a bit more time in rehearsal.
Tom Skerritt (Lecien Wilbanks) exemplified the second problem with this play - I couldn't hear him. He's not a stage actor by trade. And when a play takes a tact to not mic the actors (i liked the idea too) you had better cast actors who can speak up! Sadly this was not the case. Lastly, Tonya Pinkins (Gwen Hailey) is brilliant but wasted in the small role.
These problems aside, I think there is merit in the production and there's hope for some improvement. The stage design by James Noone is remarkably engaging with its rotating platform constantly changing perspectives in the courtroom. I hope the rest of the play brings itself up to the brilliance of the rotating courtroom.